Murray’s keynote will be the highlight of your conference as he weaves your conference theme into his message… with specific reference to the challenges school leaders face every day.
“Murray, your keynote was clearly not the typical motivational speech. Your genuine style, research to learn about us and humor were just what we needed and we are truly invigorated for the start of the coming year!”
At Our Best So Everyone Around Us Can Be At Their Best
We need to be at our best if we expect our faculty and staff to be at their best. Murray’s keynote is a unique blend of the personal and professional as he weaves four strategies for world-class leadership into a custom tailored keynote: teamwork and collaboration with colleagues; keeping our lives in balance because who we are may be more important than what we know; focusing on solutions rather than problems by using the 10/90 Rule; and being agile and innovative in times of change. Every presentation mirrors the skills, focus and motivation that earned him Teacher Of The Year and three World Championship titles. His hilarious images, imaginative videos and poignant school and classroom stories inspire on a very personal level while providing a world-class edge on the professional level.
Keeping Our Focus In Times Of Change
In a world of change, many school faculty and staff are looking for stability and consistency. So Murray presents five leadership qualities that administrators and school board members can incorporate when faculty and staff are is being pushed out of their comfort zones. His Lava Lamp Philosophy means continually fine tuning and adapting rather than reacting to change. He gives us leadership skills for motivating colleagues who are resistant to change, or have contracted “Psychosclerosis.” “The Richter Scale Of Stress” and “Going To the B.A.R.” are quick & easy personal skills for absorbing change, creating patience and moving to action.
“Thank you Murray, your keynote was such a pleasure! Our attendees were still talking about you at the closing party – you really made my job easy!”